Welcome to the Onalaska Comprehensive Plan website!
The Onalaska Comprehensive Plan will help guide the City forward by establishing a vision for the next 10 to 20 years. The Plan touches upon all things that impact the everyday lives of the community, including quality of life, parks and open space, economic development, city facilities, arts & culture, housing, and more. The plan will help the City capitalize on its assets while also addressing the needs of the community, including residents and businesses. Check out the final Comprehensive Plan to learn more!
Project phases.
In the initial phase of this planning process, the planning team will learn all they can about the current state of Onalaska. They will explore Onalaska’s opportunities, strengths, challenges, and needs. Community engagement begins during this phase and remains an integral component of the planning process throughout all three phases. The feedback received will be used to inform plan goals and strategies.
Phase two consists of community visioning. The planning team will work with community stakeholders and city leaders to generate a strategy for future development. They will also develop a series of solutions to planning issues related to housing, economic development, downtown and neighborhood improvements, natural resources and open space, and mobility.
In Phase 3 the planning team will prepare the first draft Comprehensive Plan. The first draft plan will be presented during a final community open house to solicit additional feedback and input. After gaining community input, the team will prepare a second draft plan and an implementation strategy. After final approval, the completed plan will contain numerous planning strategies and recommendations, as well as a roadmap for implementing them.
Plan documents and updates.
Plan documents and other updates about the process will be made available here.
Explore the Open House 1 Exhibits to see what was covered at the first open house on September 7, 2023.
The State of the City Report is the culmination of Phase 1 of the Live Ona 2040 Comprehensive Plan process.
The Workshop Exhibits cover the information and activities presented at the second engagement event on March 6, 2024.